----------------Kurulum / Türkçe -----------------

FS9 için : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft

FSX için : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes

dosyalari atiniz sonra "effects" klosorunu içindekilerini kopyalip

FS9 için :C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Effects
FSX için :C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects

içine atiniz.

---------------- INSTALLATION / English -----------------

- Extract the folder contained in the zip archive into your FS Aircraft folder. The aircraft will be located under the manufacturer "iFDG Airbus".

- Copy all files in the EFFECTS folder into your Flight Simulator EFFECTS folder.

- Go Fly!


Shift+E+1 - Opens L1 door
Shift+E+2 - Opens other cabin doors
Tailhook - Opens cargo doors
Wingfold - Operate drooping control surfaces


Use your Smoke System key. Note that the Eric Marciano A32X panel activates these effects automatically when appropriate.

NOTE: You must assign a keyboard command (Options -> Controls -> Assignments) for Tailhook and Wingfold! By default, Flight Simulator DOES NOT assign a command for these features.